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T H O U S A N D  O A K S

Beach Volleyball Camps in Thousand Oaks have been operating since 2001 providing the opportunity for kids to learn the skills of beach volleyball and how to apply them in game play. Join us on the sand to learn the fundamentals of beach volleyball, classes are open to beginner and intermediate levels ages 7-14 years old. 


Tuesday Clinics for 2024 are here! On Tuesday evenings at Borchard Park, kids will learn the basic skills and fundamentals of beach volleyball. Coaches will begin with passing, setting, hitting, and serving. Once the kids develop fundamental skills, they will learn how to implement these skills in game-like situations and eventually game play. All beach volleyball skills are transferable to indoor volleyball and after training on the sand, often kids find indoor volleyball much easier!! Join us this fall and winter at Borchard Park to get your feet in the sand and develop those skills. 

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